Family and Ministry is my life and I couldn’t imagine one without the other.
I’m a Mother first to children who need me in this very important time of their lives. At times I’m not able to focus all of my efforts on the church part of ministry but I know that in this phase of ministry my family is my number one responsibility.
Balancing Family and Ministry is not a one time fix, but it takes continual adjustments, daily communication and consistency between you and your spouse in which also might be your Pastor.
We are all searching for a true sense of balance in every area of our lives whether it be in our diet, our schedules, education, parenting, our marriage, and the work of the Lord.
You will find it is easier to juggle one or the other but in time, with practice, consistency, and prayer you will find a solution that fits and works best for you and your family.
In a world where carrier status, higher education and busy schedules rank over family time and certainly have priority over full time ministry, more then ever it is time for us to recognize what truly is priority.
Never before has there been a time where we as ministry must make a conscience effort that everything we do be put in check. Our time is limited and, because of that we must balance our whole day between so many things that require time. Here are a few ways to keep ourselves in check.
>You must know your limits
>Know how to say NO
>Have a weekly plan
Balance is letting go of the things that aren’t going to matter ten years from now, and riding the waves with the things that do count at the present time.
Balance is doing the very best you can, and at the end of the day handing it over to the Lord with a sigh of relief.
Sometimes Balance goes to the extreme of letting go and letting God.
Presented to the Austria/Germany "Voice of the the Vision" magazine in this months issue.