Phil 1:10-11
vs 10: That ye may approve the things that are excellent; that ye may be sincere and without offense till the day of Christ;
vs 11: Being filled with the fruits of righteousness, which are by Jesus Christ, unto the glory and praise of God.
You may say becoming a women of Excellence seems like an unreachable goal and challenge, but I know all of us have a desire in becoming the person God wants us to be and that is a “Women of Excellence”
>What Characteristics must we have to be an excellent women
There are many characteristics that we need in becoming a women of excellence but the one I would like to focus on is being Content.
What is contentment: It is the ultimate acceptance of yourself, your surroundings, your circumstance, and your future. It is being satisfied and happy in every area of your life.
I am not saying to become a women of excellence that we don't have a bad day or loose focus of the Prize, I’m saying it should be a on going decision and goal of ours to strive in all we do to be content.
There are moments in life when the trials and tribulations seem to never end, and your spirit gets weak, their are moments where you can’t see your way but He knows, He is there to lift your burden, if you reach out to him He is there to take the hurt, failures, and discontent and fill it up with His hope, His success for you and the contentment of life that he longs for you to have. The Lord is always there to take control and he will not put more on us then we can bare….it is a promise in His word that we can cling to.
Also the word of God says “in every thing give thanks: for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus concerning you. (I Thess 5:18)
Why should we be content:
It brings unity in our home, our marriages, our church and in ourselves. When a women is content at home, it brings a since of stability, hope and the ultimate satisfaction that our children and husband can thrive in. Also being content in your home can cause a peace in yourself and in others when they are around you.
What you dwell on will show in every part of your life. When we strive to be content it is easier to Worship and Praise the Lord, for when we are truly content we have a sincere heart of thanksgiving for all that the Lord has done in our lives, for what he has protected us from and is going to use us in.
The enemy can come in and whisper things of discontent in our ear, we must not be fooled by our emotions or by our circumstance. Learn to trust in the Lord with all your heart, soul and mind. God will provide for us, we decide to have faith that God will provide. He is a loving God, He is in the business of working things out in His time and in His Will. He is a gentlemen who see’s our desires, our needs and our wants.
Ps: 37:25
I have been young, and now am old; yet have I not seen the righteous forsaken nor his seed begging for bread.
Being thankful, positive and optimistic will lead us to a life of being content. A sure way to bringing a discontent spirit to yourself, your home and your church is being critical, negative and dwelling on the things that the world describes as bringing true contentment, happiness and success.
It shouldn’t matter what brand of clothes we wear as long as we have clothes, it shouldn’t matter the status we hold in our work place as long as we have a job, it shouldn’t matter what size our home is as long as we have a safe haven of protection over our head, this also goes for what kind of car we drive, you may not have an automobile but if you have a means of transportation to get you from one place to another then you should be content with what God has provided for you.
Being thankful is the avenue to a life full of contentment.
As you trust God’s gifts to be sufficient, you can accept the way you look, the means you have been given, the family in which are living, and the struggles you have gone through.
God has not given us the gift of being content, he choose rather to teach us to be content as we allow him to be the ruler in our life. Contentment is learned.
-Phil 4:11
Not that I speak in respect of want: for I have learned, in whatsoever state I am, therewith to be content.
>God delights in Excellent Women
There are many godly women in the Bible that we can learn from, all of us can agree that Esther was a women of excellence, she choose the things of God over the world, and she choice to trust the Lord completely. She could of had anything she wanted but instead she choose holiness she choose godliness over worldliness and the king fell in love with her, she was content in who she was, choosing not to violate her convictions not even for a moment. She was obedient and had a servants heart to what ever the Lord wanted her to do.
-Ruth: Was a women of kindness, she was meek and also content to serve her Mother in law. Even in all Ruth’s lost and sorrow she choose to serve the Lord…she did not become a women of bitterness or self pity yet she choose to praise the Lord in all she had and God gave her the desires of her heart.
-Lydia: Is a women we do not hear of that often but she is one who displays wonderful characteristics of a women of excellence. The Bible tells us that she was a true worshiper. She was given to hospitality, her home was full of love, she welcomed many, fed them with very little and was content with what the Lord had given her. She wanted nothing more but to worship God and to serve others. She made her home a place of refuge for even Paul and Silas. I know that I want my home to be a place others feel welcomed in, I want to be an example of a true worshiper one that God looks upon and says well done thy good and faithful servant. Content in all that he has given to me, wanting of nothing more but His will in my life.
We must trust that God has given us everything needed for this moment in
Time. We should be content with ourselves, our family, our surroundings, and our job. As we depend on the Lord, we are content as we pursue His goals for our lives.
Becoming a women of Excellence is a goal worth pursuing.
It has to be a daily decision to be disciplined, joyful, peaceful, prayed up, positive, patient, Holy, Modest and content.
Together through prayer and fasting we can become the women God intended us to be (women of Excellence)
Educator, Writer, Public Speaker.
11 months ago